Creating New Student Accounts

A Site Coordinator can create student accounts and class rosters in the Learning Center. Here's how:

  1. Log into the Site Coordinator account at
  2. Click Site Coordinator.
  3. Click the Students tab. A list of the students at your site will appear, sorted by last name. Note: The “Teacher” and “Class” drop tabs can be used to view existing students linked to a teacher or class.
  4. Click Add New above the list of students. A form will open.
  5. Use the Teacher drop tab to select the teacher/instructor who will be teaching the student. If the teacher isn’t listed, see Creating Teachers for directions on creating a new teacher.
  6. Use the Class drop tab to select the name of the correct class/course for the student. If the class isn’t listed, see Creating Classes for directions on creating a new class.
  7. Enter the student’s account information, including first name, last name, username, and password. Note: Choose a username and password your students are likely to remember!
  8. Important: Check the Limited box if you don’t want the student to be able to change account settings.
  9. Click Save. The student account is created and added to the class you selected.
  10. Repeat steps 4–9 for each student account you need to create.

That’s it! When you’re done, all students and class rosters for your program will be set. Class rosters with usernames and passwords can be shared with instructors by clicking the Print button.

Subscriptions purchased for your program/site will be automatically applied to students if/when they attempt to complete class assignments for which a subscription is required. To monitor the status and inventory of subscriptions in use at your site, see Monitoring Subscriptions.