Creating New Instructor/Teacher Accounts

A Site Coordinator can initiate setup of teachers/instructors who will be using the Learning Center. Here's how:

  1. Log into the Site Coordinator account at
  2. Click Site Coordinator.
  3. Click the Teachers tab.
  4. Click Add New.
  5. Enter the appropriate information for the teacher and click Create and Invite. Repeat steps 4–5 for each new teacher being added to the Learning Center.
  6. The Learning Center will e-mail an invitation to the new instructor. The new teacher will also be added to the list of teachers at your school with the status marked in blue as “Invited.”
  7. The new teacher must then accept the invitation and follow directions to create an account in the Learning Center. Once that is done, the status will change to “Pending.”
  8. Townsend Press will then review and approve the account. This process usually takes about 3 days. The status will then change to “Approved,” and the account holder will have full access to instructor materials and privileges. If the account cannot be approved for any reason, someone from Townsend Press will contact the Site Coordinator to discuss the account.
That’s it! Once the instructor’s account status changes to “Approved,” he or she will have full access to all the instructor features in the Learning Center.